GETS has a permanent team of professional tax advisors in the UK, US and Australia, as well as having partnerships with advisors in over 100 other countries.

Oliver Heslop
Oliver Heslop
Oliver Heslop is a leading expatriate tax specialist, experienced in dealing with all aspects of expatriation and tax liabilities. Expatriation can be a complex and challenging transition, not only for employees but for their families and their employers, and it is critical to have professional and knowledgeable support to ensure a smooth assignment. Having lived in Poland, and having dealt with major expatriation programs for some high profile organisations, Mr Heslop is ideally placed to head our team of professional tax consultants.
Experience - Oliver Heslop
When he established Global Expatriate Tax Services Ltd (GETS), Oliver Heslop ceased as a tax partner with Shipleys LLP in London. He has worked on behalf of major global multi-nationals organisations Rolls-Royce, Yahoo! Danone and Banco Santander.

Carol-Ann Simon
Carol-Ann Simon
Carol-Ann Simon, American CPA supports our team on all US and Canadian tax matters. She graduated from University of Toronto, Canada. She now leads the Expatriate Tax practice group at Perkins & Co in Oregon, USA, where she is tax director. With over 25 years of experience, in the US and Canada, Carol-Ann has the unique ability to understand the dual-country implications of a foreign assignment.
Experience - Carol-Ann Simon
Previously, Carol-Ann was the partner in charge of BDO Seidman’s Expatriate Tax Services group. Carol-Ann developed her abilities with several top four accounting firms in the US and Canada, including Ernst & Young.
Her expertise includes coordinating global tax compliance, tax- effective compensation, cross border planning and employee relocation issues and tax equalization policies.
What To Do Now
As international market leaders in global expatriate tax advice and practice, we are really easy to contact. You can call us on +44(0) 203 282 1649 or send us a confidential email by clicking here.